This altimeter works online or offline. It estimates your elevation with three different methods:
- Using GPS satellites triangulation. No internet connection required, quite accurate with clean sky but works only outdoors and it's slow.
- Using the ground elevation at your current position. Accurate but require internet connection and works only if you are at ground level.
- Using the pressure sensor of your device (if available). If it's available internet connection it calibrates itself on the nearest weather station pressure to improve accuracy.
Detect an elevation with marker on Google Map then collect and save it.
1. Project management/save mutil point on a file
2. Auto GPS measuring/Manual measuring
3. Export file to txt, dxf, kml file.
★ Get the altitude and GPS coordinates.
★ Support UTM and a lot of spatial references system: WGS1984, WGS1972, NAD1983, VN2000, Austria NS, Belgium 50, Nouv Trig de France 1. Use 7 transformations parameters in order to automatically convert between Geographic and UTM Coordinates. Synchronize Google map with UTM zone.
===Free Version===
- Limited collection point (<=20)
- Limit the number of times get altitude on the map. (<=20)
- Ads
===Premium Version===
- Unlimited collection point
- Unlimited the number of times get altitude on the map
- No ads</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>